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Dextrose is a sugar derived from corn and research suggests that it is very valuable when mixed with liquid nitrogen. Dextrose has a very valuable role to play in supplying the sugars that feed the bacteria as the bacteria are just beginning to break dormancy and get active in the soil.
Acetobacter are able to colonize roots and hence can fulfill an important part of plant N chemical fertilization similar to organic fertilization.It is a symbiotic bacteria capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen by living within the plant. They are found in all parts of the plant body. Acetobacter biofertilizer is suitable for sugarcane cultivation. Use of Acetobacter increases the crop production in large scale.
Arihant Group’s Acetobacter on Dextrose base delivers high yield and better quality of crop for the growers.
Grapes & Banana, Citrus, Mango, Tomato,Corn, Pomegranate, Groundnut, Cotton, Soyabean, Coconut, Potato, Brinjal, Onion, Garlic, Cumin, Chillies, Beans, Okra, Pea, Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Sugarcane, Paddy, Rice, Wheat, Oat, Barley, Mustard, Sunflower, Carrot, Sorghum, Bajra, Lawns, Gardens, Green House, Etc.
250 Gms. per acre.